Dental Tourism India

The most affordable destinations for dental care is India at present. Dental Tourism ensures its widest share in an overall medical tourism. Dental patients from all over the globe are the maximum numbers approaching India for their various dental treatments. The motive of dental tourism is mainly to save a great amount of charges over dental procedures that one would always expect to be higher in his or her native place. Exceptional dental treatments and patient care are assured. The vison of Dr. Dentsmile clinic is to expand its state of the art dental care to the world.

Puducherry ( old name - Pondicherry), a French city located in Tamilnadu, southern part of India serves a huge number of international patients, especially NRI’s, with various dental speciality treatments. Puducherry is the one of the most preferred destinations for French tourists. In addition, American, British, Canadian, Australian, European & UAE Nationals are the frequent dental tourists in India. Our clinics are equipped with the most modern technology and we are proud in delivering the latest treatment with the finest diligence.

Do plan your treatments even before you land in India. Consult with us via mail / chat and plan your treatment well in advance!

Dental Tourism India, a BOON TO TOURISTS!



Dental tourism India saves big money for international patients with quality treatments ever provided. A person seeking any dental treatment in India would usually find such treatment to be very costly in his or her country. For example, the Dental implants would cost just 25000 INR ($400 to 600) in India depending on the design, surface treatment, type and company of the implant. The same implant would cost around $800 to 1000 in Malaysia and around $1500 to 2000 in US. It’s almost one fourth the cost when compared to other parts of the world and the same quality is delivered to you without any compromise. We at Dr.Dentsmile clinc have implants from more than 10 implant companies, with different designs and types like mini dental implants, single piece implants etc. We also have single stage implants and two stage implants or two piece implants, for those who have less bone density. We also do Basal Implants, Tubero Pterygoid implants and Zygomatic implants at affordable prices.

Also, the hotel tariff and cost of living is quite economical. We, Dr.Dentsmile clinc team, have a CRM (customer relation management) team to plan a special tailored packages with a variety of ranges. For any queries you can contact us on 91-9787721729 (follow the international code guide) or mail us at


Premium quality of dental treatments are available in India. Dental hospitals, clinics and other healthcare centres offer superior standards combined with modern dental surgical equipments, implants, medications and other appliances.


India caters to the most successful and efficient dentist, dental surgeon and other dental professionals. Dental education in India possesses international reputation. India is broadly pacing with other part of the world in dentistry.


Dental treatment in India can be scheduled easily and can be meticulously done before the dental condition of patient worsens. At Dr.Dentsmile clinc, you can fix an online or on-call appointment and get to meet the specialist according to your convenience. There is minimal or no waiting time. We believe that time is money and so our team works within the time frame required. Post-treatment care is largely assured.


India is easily reachable from any country over the world. Flight fares are competitive and reasonably fit to individual’s varying financial requirements.


Multi-language translation and interpreters, Tourism services, Lodging and boarding are provided. Accommodation are taken care of if required. Our team will make you feel at home.


Very few countries in the world has a social and religious structure which withstood invasions and persecution and yet kept its identity by being resilient enough to absorb, ignore or reject all attempts to radically change or destroy them. Indian culture is unique because of its diversity and variety in physical, religious, racial, linguistic and artistic fields One has to have background knowledge of Indian mythology to enjoy and appreciate the Indian Arts.

For international patients, it is just possible to have pleasant holidays in India. Due to the currency difference, international visitors can manage cheaper dental treatments even with good amount of money left with them for an excellent vacation in India.


Call it fondly Pondy or Puducherry, its official name. Pondicherry, though small in geographical size, was the largest French colony in India. This is a city of contrasts. One part of the city is quaint and quiet, a little France; the other part is bustling and boisterous, a typical south-Indian city. Then, as you drive a little out of town through narrow, meandering streets is Auroville, a world all its own. There is a strong French influence on the architecture of the city, especially in the old quarters, with Rues and Boulevards lined with Mediterranean-style houses and bakeries, although the city remains very much Indian. French is still understood, and the whole city makes for a pleasant mix of the East and the West. It is also known as The French Riviera of the East (La Côte d'Azur de l'Est). If you have spent some time in Tamil Nadu and approached Pondichérry by land, you will very likely experience mild culture shock on discovering French architecture and restaurants serving steak and good wine. Pondichérry is very much a city with a dual personality: crossing the central canal from the east to the west reveals two different cities with very different character. The places not to be missed are

It is the perfect place to come if you want to take the pace of life down a few notches.
As the official logo of Puducherry says,
Give Time A Break At Dr.Dentsmile Clinic”.